Fantasy sports have found a place in the gaming world for the whole 20th century. These gained popularity in 1960 through NFL (National Football League) that was created by Bill Wikinbach. Since then these sports have managed to create a storm globally. At present, there are chances of NFT causing a global storm.
Fantasy sports are ‘not’ similar to the traditional betting in sports. These fantasy sports give you the freedom to assemble a sports team of your choice. You can, then, compete with the opponents for a cash prize.
One such gaming platform where you can play the sport of your choice is Fanspel. You have a choice of choosing between cricket, baseball, basketball or even football. The transactions on this platform are through cryptocurrencies and this works out a big positive for most.
Making Sports Competitive
Blockchain has managed to create an impact in many traditional areas. There are ways to combat the fantasy sport fatigue by tokensizing the soccer, football and also baseball. The players can trade and also monetize a fraction of non-fungible tokens (NFT). The real-life athletes are represented by these. With the addition of stars in real time, it can have an impact on the value of the game.
The game is managed entirely by blockchain. The ability to fractionalize or split NFT’s of athlete can create a big number of opportunities for how you want to compete and play. Instead of every player fighting for a specific player, you can invest only on a fraction of the player. This leads to opportunities for trading on the top performers increase.
NFT making Fantasy Sports Appealing
Initially, there were limited opportunities for winning in Fantasy sports and this was frustrating for most of the players. With the introduction of gaming based on NFT the distribution of star athletes is fair. Your stake on the athlete has value and can be traded. Teams can lead to an upside financially. This is immaterial whether you come to the top or no.
This is the element that can change the ecosystem of fantasy sports. You can earn a good amount of financial rewards due to the technology that is decentralized. This is only from having the knowledge of from who to sell to, who to buy from and the right timing. This can be done without getting exposed to the third party.
The on-chain fantasy sports element provides a more collaborative, healthier alternative to betting. Instead of any investment made on win/loss or average points of the game and other forms of sport betting, you have the freedom to invest on the next star athlete or even the next team.
Immaterial whether it is a small set-up among your friends or a NFL (National Fantasy League) the opportunity for blockchain and NFT powered fantasy sports reinvents the way you compete. It does not make a difference whether you are a player who follows the gut or are a strategist, playing fantasy sports with NFT is definitely compelling.
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